Supportive Boots/Wraps

Ice-Vibe Therapy Boots

 We are now offering Ice-Vibe boots as a part of our rehab care program to our patients in hospital.  Ice-Vibe boots are rechargeable vibrating boots that help increase circulation in the horse's legs.  They combine the effects of cooling and massage therapy to effectively treat strains, ligament and tendon damage.

Back on Track Leg Supports

We are also using the Back on Track standing, polo and quick wraps.  Back on Track therapeutic products are made from ceramic fiber material that has been infused with Welltex technology.  Welltex fabric utilizes the body's own energy and reflects it back as far-infrared wavelength.  These wavelengths penetrate deeper into the tissues to increase blood circulation which then increases oxygen transport and waste product removal to and from the tissues, muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments.