Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator

The Equinosis Q with Lameness Locator is a precision lameness measurement tool, developed by Dr Kevin Keegan, equine surgeon and University of Missouri Lameness Program Director, in collaboration with university engineering professors.

Accurate to less than 1mm at 100 meters, it can detect lamenesses the human eye just can't see.  Microelectric inertial sensors (accelerometers) measure motion of the head and pelvis, and a gyroscope on the leg measures the timing of the stride.  Normal gait movement is not restricted and analysis results are reported in seconds.  This real-time wireless data collection allows precise measurments of how the horse moves.

What the Lameness Locator can do for your horse:

  • Evaluate mild or multiple limb lameness

  • Quantify effectiveness of diagnostic nerve and joint blocks

  • Gauge effectiveness of therapeutics

  • Monitor rehabilitation progress

  • Assess asymmetry in pre-purchase examinations

  • Measure rider effects on lameness